SPHERE Seminar on Exploring micro-credentials (26-27.11.2020, on-line)

sphereOn 26-27 November 2020 the seminar on exploring micro-credentials was held as part of the 2020/21 SPHERE programme, under the theme: “Higher education responding to changing skills needs”.

The first day of the seminar included two morning sessions (one public and one set of discussion groups) and a short afternoon public session. The second day consisted of a morning public session, discussion groups for core-participants in the afternoon and a short wrap-up session.

Ukraine was represented by Yuriy RASHKEVYCH, Member of the National Qualifications Agency; Professor of the Lviv Polytechnic National University former Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine; Vadym ZAKHARCHENKO, Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Zhanna TALANOVA, Analytical Manager of National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine, Doctor of Educational Sciences, Associate Professor.

The changing context of higher education: tools and strategies to flexibilise learning and align it to emerging labour market and societal needs, definitions and current usages of micro-credentials, perspectives from institutions, employers and students on micro-credentials, transparency with micro-credentials and recognition were discussed on the seminar.

The learning outcomes of this event are:
• Get acquainted with different definitions and models of micro-credentials;
• Understand how micro-credentials are used in practice, including recognition of learning, options to build them into degrees etc.;
• Understand the potential benefits of micro-credentials for employers and students
• Understand the perspectives of learners, employers, institutional providers and teachers so as to anticipate questions and obstacles in delivering them and ensuring their recognition and quality;
• With examples of the European developments, explore the policy discussion on flexible learning of higher education through different formats of delivery, and different learning purposes;
• Develop an understanding how micro-credentials could be used in one’s own institution or system, and what would be the opportunities and challenges.

More information about the seminar.

Попередня Meeting for the Jean Monnet winners-2020 (26.11.2020, on-line)